What is this site?

This site has been designed by me (Jonathan) and is not affiliated with Octopus energy in any way. It's simply a script I built to try and work out which electric tariff would be the cheapest for me to use. In theory it should save me a bit of money and you're welcome to use it yourself to see how much you could save. It's still in Beta stage so use with caution and check any math before commiting to a tariff! It doesn't take into account if you have any power generation such as wind and solar but this would only lower the monthly cost further if you do have them. Be careful though as some tariffs pay less for export. Why is the site called eoob.co.uk? I had the domain spare....thus the silly name!

How does it work?

In brief you do the following:

  1. Add your meter details (you can get these from https://octopus.energy/dashboard/new/accounts/personal-details/api-access)
  2. Select if you want the data from a month and which year (or if you want all your data, click "all year" but be warned this may take a long time to load and could crash your browser)
  3. Enter your CRATE (the current price per kilowatt you are charged). Currently this only supports the flat tariff rate.
  4. Enter your desired battery size
  5. Enter your inverter size.
  6. Enter the price per kWh in the unit rates of your 'new' tariff. e.g. if the tariff is 7.5pence from 11:30pm till 5:30am but is 29 pence the resto of the time, you would enter 23:30 in the "start time 1", "5:30 in the "end time 1", 7.5 in the "cost per kwh 1". You would then click the "add new time slot" button and add the times 5.30 in "start time 2", 23:30 in "End time 2" and 29 in the "cost per kkh 2". If you intend to install a battery, tick the "charge battery" button next to your cheap electric slots. You can get the tariffs from octopus site e.g. for octopus intelligent go visit https://octopus.energy/smart/intelligent-octopus-go/ then enter your postcode in the "Check your rates?" box.
  7. If you click the "click here to see the time slots in more detail...." link, you can see your full 24 hours (divided into 30 minute blocks, with the price per kwh and battery charge boxes).
  8. Click "Show me the money!".
What is shown in the results table?
You will then get a table show up with:
  1. Your half hour window
  2. Your current energy consumption data
  3. A Visual bar showing your energy usage
  4. The new price per kWh (entered in unit rates)
  5. The cost for that half hour at the new rate
  6. Your current rate per kWh
  7. The current cost of that half hour rate using your current rate.
  8. The battery kWh level (e.g. how much is in your battery).
  9. A visual representation of the battery level in bar chart form.
  10. The amount of power added to your battery in that half hour slot.
  11. The amount of power taken from the grid to power your home (no point using the battery to power the home when the grid price is cheap)
  12. The total cost for that half hour with the new rate (e.g. the amount of energy used in your home + the amount of energy added to your battery). This will be 0 when the battry is discharging and has enough power to cover the house usage.
At the bottom of the table in the total savings row you will see :
  1. How much you would save if you simply swapped to the new tariff (so no battery). This will be a positive number (if your saving) or a negative number if it would cost you more.
  2. How much you would save if you had a battery.
Meter Details
Current Tariff Details
Battery Information (optional but suggested if you know it. Usually inverters are 3.6 - 5)
New Tariff Time Slots

Enter your tarif prices and the start/end times (as listed on octopus website), it should fill in the "New Tariff Details" for you automatically.

New Tariff Time Slots (in detail)
Click Here to see the time slots in more detail. I would suggest checking these to make sure they are filled in correctly. Each block is 30 minutes starting at 00:00 and the last block being 23:30.

Estimated bill without battery information

If you had a battery you would .

Please note, this does not include your daily standing charge. .

Estimated bill with battery information

If you had a battery you would .

Please note, this does not include your daily standing charge. It also assumes 100% efficiency with your inverter which is unlikely so your saving will be a little less.